October's virtual GertLUG meeting was a busy one. It didn't feel like we were all chatting for over 100 minutes. We had members join us from Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Clevedon, Nailsea, Portishead, Leeds and Malaysia, as well as people who were on holiday in either the Lake or Peak District (PK gets confused between both of them). With our growing community we had new members join us for the evening.
The evening started off with member introductions and a discussion about if you were to encourage a friend to leave their dark ages, what set would you give them? Modular buildings were a popular choice followed closely by vintage space.
Then as a group we explored and shared our findings as to what would happen if we entered our date of birth into BrickLink and BrickSet to see what sets and parts would come up. Try it with different combinations...
Adrian had set his camera up for the meeting to show him building the LEGO Ideas Pirates of Barracuda Bay set 21322 and it was agreed by most that watching someone build was rather therapeutic.
There was a lot of discussion about the new Bristol LEGO Brand retail store opening, Sainsbury's LEGO cards and a deep conversation about the skin tone of LEGO minifigures. Members also shared their thoughts about what they enjoy about our virtual events and made some really valuable suggestions for future online events.
The pumpkin photo below was an epic MOC build that was made from start to finish during the meeting by Jo Maguire.